inet_ntop() extends the inet_ntoa(3) function to support multiple address families, inet_ntoa(3) is now considered to be deprecated in favor of inet_ntop(). The following address families are currently supported: AF_INET src points to a struct in_addr (in network byte order) which is converted to an IPv4 network address in the dotted-decimal
Convert a numeric network address to a string. Synopsis: #include
Fix for Win XP inet_ntop() could not be located in WS2_32.dll * Make vpNetwork, vpClient, vpServer classes available only since win 8.1 where inet_ntop() is implemented. Closes #287 * Make vpUDPClient and vpUDPServer classes available only since win 8.1 where inet_ntop() is implemented
Native inet_pton and inet_ntop implementation for Python on Windows (with ctypes). - hickeroar/win_inet_pton
MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows / Re: [Mingw-w64
MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows / Issues / #2147