Jun 22, 2020 · Russia has lifted restrictions on secure messaging app Telegram after its developers agreed to block some content. Telegram proclaims that it has a “mission to provide the best security combined with ease of use. Everything on Telegram, including chats, groups, media, etc. is encrypted using a combination of 256-bit symmetric AES encryption

What isn’t Telegram saying about its connections to the Sep 29, 2017 Russia lifts ineffective ban on Telegram messaging app Jun 18, 2020 Outlawed app Telegram emerges as key tool for Russian Sep 15, 2019 Russia lifts ban on Telegram messaging app after failing

Telegram’s “Digital Resistance,” a community of anonymous developers, created proxy servers around the world to help keep the app accessible to Russian users.

Russia lifts ineffective ban on Telegram messaging app

Thousands of Russians protest against Kremlin's block on

A messaging app won a cat-and-mouse game with the Russian